Welcome to Agape Bay Area!

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Online Using These Links!

All September services will be live and in-person at Kehilla Sanctuary. Our services are also broadcast live via Zoom and Facebook Live and the talks are recorded and posted to our YouTube channel.

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Our Power is in Our Prayer


Agape Bay Area Happenings

View Our Sunday Services


Our Ministers

Reverend Joan Steadman

Reverend Joan Steadman

Senior Minister

Rev. Dr. Joan Steadman has been an ordained Agape and Centers for Spiritual Living minister since 1998. She has served as the Senior Minister of our beloved community since January 2019.

Reverend Verona Garland

Reverend Verona Garland

Assistant Minister

Verona serves as the Assistant Minister of Agape Bay Area, Oakland, Ca., an affiliate center of Agape International, Los Angeles. She is an Emerson Theological Institute credentialed Interfaith and Science of Mind minister.


Kehilla Synagogue
1300 Grand Ave., Piedmont, 94610