Jana Young
Jana is thrilled to serve her beloved Agape Bay Area as a new board member. Jana discovered New Thought and the Energy Codes in 2015 when she attended workshops by Rev. Michael Bernard Beckwith and Dr. Sue Morter at Celebrate Your Life in Phoenix. After love-streaming Agape International services and taking classes for 3 years Jana found Agape Bay Area. From the very first ABA Celebration Service in 2018, Jana knew she had found her tribe and her new spiritual home. Jana loves being an Emerging Practitioner at Agape Bay Area. She is grateful for the opportunity to share her love, joy, and enthusiasm in service as a board member and bring forth the vision for the next evolution of our wonderful spiritual community. Jana and her wonderful husband David recently relocated to the Seattle area with their beloved 3-year old Golden Retriever Koa. Although she may be physically many miles away, there is no space nor separation in Spirit.