
Our Theme For October is

“Abundance in the Golden Age”

This Week

October 6, 2024

Rev. Joan Steadman

Our Speaker is Rev. Joan Steadman
Our Topic is “Community and Abundance”


Musical Inspiration

David Young (Virtual)

September Theme: “Service in the Golden Age”

September 1
Rev. Verona Garland
Stretching, Lengthening, and
Expanding in the Furtherance Of?”
Musical Inspiration: Rev. Donnadia Lowre

September 8
Rev. Joan Steadman
It Takes a Village
Musical Inspiration: Narayan and Janet

September 15
Rev. Deb Hammond
How May I Serve?
Musical Inspiration: Terry and Nancy

September 22
Rev. Joan Steadman
A Life of Service
Musical Inspiration: Karen Smith

September 29
Rev. Eunice Chalfont and Rev. Joan Steadman
Service Dialogue
Musical Inspiration: TBA

October Theme: “Abundance in the Golden Age”

October 6
Rev. Joan Steadman
Community and Abundance
Musical Inspiration: David Young (virtual)

October 13
Rev. Joan Steadman
The Power of Giving

October 20
Rev. Joan Steadman
Let Go and Flourish

October 27
Rev. Joan Steadman
Security in a Changing Economy

2024 Themes

Our Theme for 2024 is
Living In The Golden Age

Monthly Themes

Creativity in the Golden Age

Freedom in the Golden Age

Forgiveness in the Golden Age

Service in the Golden Age

Abundance in the Golden Age

Gratitude in the Golden Age

Light and Dark in the Golden Age.


Kehilla Synagogue
1300 Grand Avenue, Piedmont 94610