About Us
Agape Bay Area is a Lighthouse on the Bay
In your darkest moments, we shine the Light
that helps you find your way Home.
Come inside to be loved and transformed.
We promise to love you Whole.
Agape Bay Area is a Lighthouse on the Bay
In your darkest moments, we shine the Light
that helps you find your way Home.
Come inside to be loved and transformed.
We promise to love you Whole.
Who We Are
We Learn Together
We Love Together
We Rise in Consciousness Together

Agape Bay Area is a Principle-centered, compassionate, inclusive community committed to being an expression of the power, presence, and substance of The Divine in every aspect of life.
We value and practice generosity and service to the local and global communities. We teach and model spiritual principles that stimulate self discovery, creativity, and awareness of the interconnectedness of all life. We are a safe, empowering environment that develops and supports awakened living for individuals, families, and communities.
We learn together.
We love together.
We rise in consciousness together.
The essence of Agape is best described by its founder, Dr. Michael Bernard Beckwith:
“When I founded the Agape International Spiritual Center and community in 1986, we “visioned” it as a movement that would take a stand for love, for peace, for being a beneficial presence on the planet.” That’s why it was named “Agape,” which in Greek means unconditional love. Agape’s vision is fueled by the love of the One indefinable yet unmistakable Presence whose vehicle on earth is the human heart and soul.”
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