We are thrilled to announce the launch of our new Agape Bay Area Book Club dedicated to exploring books that inspire, uplift, and deepen our spiritual understanding based on New Thought and Ageless Wisdom.
Classes and Events
Agape Bay Area is Always Happening. View Our Current and Ongoing Events Here.
Agape Bay Area is Always Happening. View Our Current and Ongoing Events Here.
Current Special Events
Golden Giving Pledge Campaign
The annual Golden Giving Pledge Campaign is an opportunity to support Agape Bay Area's intention in 2024 to expand our services to our loving spiritual community and to the local community at large.
Ongoing Events
Agape Bay Area Book Club
We are thrilled to announce the launch of our new Agape Bay Area Book Club dedicated to exploring books that inspire, uplift, and deepen our spiritual understanding based on New Thought and Ageless Wisdom.
A Course of Love
Come join us on Friday evenings as we commit to return to love by studyingA Course of Love together.
Please join us the first Sunday of every month at the 10:30 a.m. meditation service enhanced with Crystal and Tibetan Singing Bowls. Encouraging states of Inner Peace, Happiness and Joy for a Total Lightness of Well-Being.
Community Visioning
You are welcome to join us for our monthly Community Visioning on zoom.