
We offer a transformational education program that cultivates an individual’s evolution of consciousness. We offer classes that are warm, welcoming, fun, interactive, and full of wisdom and spiritual principles, practices, and processes that lead to nothing less than spiritual transformation of the whole person.

Download our “On the Road to Practitioner Studies” PDF below



Practitioner Studies Prerequisite Courses

  • Roots of Agape
  • Joel Goldsmith Class (Titles vary)
  • Meditation and the Evolution of Consciousness
  • Mysticism, the Practice and the Mystical I
  • Prayer as a Way of Life
  • Prayer Warrior
  • Self Awareness and the Evolving Consciousness
  • The Life Visioning Process
  • Universal Laws Governing Spiritual Living

Either one of these two financial classes:

  • Oath of Manifestation/Plenty to Spare Plenty to Share
  • Prosperity from the Inside Out

Our two-year program is a deeply experiential consciousness-building process which includes specific studies that prepare candidates for advanced participation in spiritual community. This innovative curriculum is intended to develop the necessary skills associated with the art of spiritual counseling, community building and spiritual leadership.



Kehilla Synagogue
1300 Grand Avenue, Piedmont 94610